Here to Help


Creating A Safety Plan

It is important to know that although you do not have control over your (ex)partner’s violence, it is possible to increase your own as well as your children’s safety when experiencing abuse. Creating a safety plan involves mapping out action steps to increase your safety and prepare in advance for the possibility of further violence. This information offers many support options and ideas which you may implement; however, don’t try to do everything right away. Take it a step at a time and start with the ideas which seem most workable for you.

In creating a safety plan it is important to remember that:

  • Although you cannot control your (ex)partner’s violence, it may be possible to increase your own and your children’s safety
  • A safety plan is needed whenever the potential for abuse is identified
  • This safety plan information is specifically designed for actions that you can take to increase your safety and the safety of your children
  • It is important to become familiar with and to review and/or revise your safety plan regularly. Abusive situations and risk factors can change quickly


Many women have escaped and survived abusive situations. This information was put together by women who have survived abuse and by shelter counsellors and other professionals. Please feel free to share with a counsellor at Haldimand & Norfolk Women’s Services, any changes or additions that you believe should be made to this safety plan.