Myths About Abuse | Haldimand & Norfolk Women’s Services

Myths About Abuse

Men who assault their partners are mentally ill.2021-09-05T15:12:11-04:00


Men who assault their partners are mentally ill.


Woman abuse is too widespread to be explained away by mental illness. Most men who assault their partners confine their violence to the privacy of their home. The abuse is often directed to particular parts of the body that will not visibly bruise. Obvious restraint and forethought is necessary to accomplish this. Violent husbands are not likely to attack their bosses when frustrated. If the man was truly mentally ill, he would lack the ability to be selective in his targets and controlled in his administration of abuse.

Alcohol causes a man to beat his partner.2021-09-05T15:11:54-04:00


Alcohol causes a man to beat his partner.


While alcohol is often abused by the violent partner, it is not the cause of the violence. Rather, it facilitates the use of physical force for his behaviour. Some men become intoxicated in order to act out their violent wishes.

Only poor women get beaten.2021-09-05T15:12:57-04:00


Only poor women get beaten.


Victims of woman assault come from all walks of life rich/poor/black/white/rural/urban, educated/uneducated, full-time housewives/career women. There are no exceptions. However, violence in the upper class is more likely to be hidden from the public scrutiny because these women may have more to lose by exposing their situation.

Women provoke violence; therefore, they deserve what they get.2021-09-05T15:13:34-04:00


Women provoke violence; therefore, they deserve what they get.


No woman deserves to be abused, regardless of the kind of person she is. Provocation is an excuse the offender uses to avoid responsibility for his own behaviour. Many people support his view too by also examining the victim’s behaviour or personality for clues as to the cause of the assault. Excuse-making perpetrates the use of violence as an acceptable method of the problem-solving and leads the offender to believe he is justified in using force to get his own way.

By |2021-09-07T10:55:06-04:005 September 2021|Haldimand & Norfolk Women's Services|Comments Off on Myths About Abuse | Haldimand & Norfolk Women’s Services

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